Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Middle of the week slump...

We are making progress on getting the textbooks ordered that are desperately needed! Hopefully they will be here within a couple of weeks. Yikes, that feels like forever. I wish there was a way to speed up the process. I finally got the green light to order the PermaBound and Baker & Taylor lit. books for English classrooms. Yipppee!
I will be equally glad when we get all the workbook issues squared away!  BTW: It is a complete violation of copyright to copy entire workbooks and give them to students!  They are conumables.  This means they were ment to be purchased, used, and recycled.  That is how publishing companies make money.  We may not like it.  We may have a hundred ways to get around it.  That does not mean we can do what we want and violate the law!  Think and keep things on the level!
I completed another round of booktalks today and generated a little excitement. I love the beginning of the year when the students are so eager to get books to read! Mr. L. lent me his copy of Lobotomy. I saw this book at Borders and was telling him about it. It is true story of what happened to a man who was given a lobotomy at the age of 12 when his parents didn't know what else to do with him. Scary! I will keep you posted as I read along.
I left early today for a meeting with the other high school librarians. That was a lot of fun. It is nice to know that everyone has the same issues. Huge classes, not enough books, technology issues, etc. It is good to share success stories and help each other out. We talked a lot about how to get students and teachers to use all the online reference materials available. We need to move away from simply Googling everything.
I need to WHINE...and Yes, you can serve the cheese to go along with it. I feel gross...sore throat, flushed cheeks, groggy, and tirred of making multiple trips to the restroom. I have been told that a funky bug is going around. Working with so many people in a warm space with little ventalation makes a lovely breeding ground for all types of fun things. So I am taking it easy and praying that this too shall pass. Keep me in your thoughts, use tissues, cover your mouth when you cough, and WASH YOUR HANDS!!!
Thanks for letting me complain...
One last thing...If anyone out there is reading this, I could really use a few boxes of tissues in the library to help with the sneezes, coughs, and runny noses! Thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Conumables? Policemen from communes? Contrary country bumpkins? Con men that mumble in passing? I love this word! I'll have to make up some great new meaning for it! If you google it you get: grinding conumables; European conumables; medical conumables (maybe that's what made you so sick!); or conumable exporters; odd hunter conumables - wow! A whole new world!
