Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sprague Book Club Reading List for 2009-2010

Oct:  Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult
Nov:  Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austin and Seth Grahame-Smith
Dec:  Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton
Jan:  Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, translated by Reg Keeland
Feb:  Zoo Keepers Wife by Diane Ackerman
March:  Sudden Country by Karen Fisher
April:  Blue Diary by Alice Hoffman
May:  Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Time to Catch-Up

So in less than a week's time, I have fallen behind in keeping this blog going.  It is time to catch up! So last week I was feeling blue.  This week is better except for the post-nasel drip!  When I returned to work on Friday, I managed to clean my desk off. That is a major chore because it is always a mess. The weekend flew by.  I worked on exhibits and my presentation for the OASL conference that is fast approaching.
Now it is Tuesday, and my desk is still clean!  I filed old magazines.  I organized several binders of information. One each for my library aides, advisory, the budget, library meetings, leadership notes, and one for just general stuff.  Now if I can keep those straight.
The textbooks that we ordered are slowly rolling in.  Physcial Science is in.  Prentice Hall Gold, Algebra I, and literature sets are in the mail.  We sent surplus automotive books to McNary. Follett came and purchased surplus French books.  Mrs. W is happy to get a few boxes out of her way! Yippee!  Today I ordered books for social studies.  Mrs. W and I discussed a system for keeping track of all the textbook orders and better communication strategies for who was responsible for what. 
I submitted an article for the Torch.  I made sure to include information from Mrs. W about NaNoWriMo.  Last year we submitted an article, and it didn't make it in so I definately want to make sure that it gets promoted this year!  Maybe I should take the challenge and write a novel???
The Sprague Book Club meet after school  today. A group of teachers met and ate a delicious dinner.  Everyone brought potential books to read.  Then we chose the list of books to read for the year. I had to leave early so I can't wait to see the list!  Stay tuned...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday Blahs...

Stayed home sick but monitored emails all day so I felt like I was at work!
Went to the doctor for allergy testing and was really careful not to take any of the medications listed on the paperwork.  However, when I got to the doctor, I not only had left my wallet at home, but I didn't get to test because I took Tylenol PM!  It has Benadryl in it. It was not on the list, and the doctor was ticked and chewed out her staff because they didn't send me the new and updated list!  I felt really bad.  So now I have to wait until NOVEMBER!  I have already been waiting since June...sigh.  My head CT showed some kind of cyst 3 cm long in my left nasel cavity!  So now I also have to go to the ENT and have it surgically removed!  Yikes! 
In the meantime, I still have a sore throat, headache, and various other uncomfortable symptoms too graphic to meantion here! :O
Enough whining.  At least it is warm and sunny outside, and I got to sit by the big windows in my house all day and soak in the rays!  I even snuck a Cherry Pepsi, but don't tell Mrs. W!!!  I can't wait to get back to the library to see if she had Cold Stone last night in the name of collecting money for charity! 
Tomorrow is FRIDAY!  Yipppee!!
Don't forget Survivor tonight!  My money  is on Mike!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Middle of the week slump...

We are making progress on getting the textbooks ordered that are desperately needed! Hopefully they will be here within a couple of weeks. Yikes, that feels like forever. I wish there was a way to speed up the process. I finally got the green light to order the PermaBound and Baker & Taylor lit. books for English classrooms. Yipppee!
I will be equally glad when we get all the workbook issues squared away!  BTW: It is a complete violation of copyright to copy entire workbooks and give them to students!  They are conumables.  This means they were ment to be purchased, used, and recycled.  That is how publishing companies make money.  We may not like it.  We may have a hundred ways to get around it.  That does not mean we can do what we want and violate the law!  Think and keep things on the level!
I completed another round of booktalks today and generated a little excitement. I love the beginning of the year when the students are so eager to get books to read! Mr. L. lent me his copy of Lobotomy. I saw this book at Borders and was telling him about it. It is true story of what happened to a man who was given a lobotomy at the age of 12 when his parents didn't know what else to do with him. Scary! I will keep you posted as I read along.
I left early today for a meeting with the other high school librarians. That was a lot of fun. It is nice to know that everyone has the same issues. Huge classes, not enough books, technology issues, etc. It is good to share success stories and help each other out. We talked a lot about how to get students and teachers to use all the online reference materials available. We need to move away from simply Googling everything.
I need to WHINE...and Yes, you can serve the cheese to go along with it. I feel gross...sore throat, flushed cheeks, groggy, and tirred of making multiple trips to the restroom. I have been told that a funky bug is going around. Working with so many people in a warm space with little ventalation makes a lovely breeding ground for all types of fun things. So I am taking it easy and praying that this too shall pass. Keep me in your thoughts, use tissues, cover your mouth when you cough, and WASH YOUR HANDS!!!
Thanks for letting me complain...
One last thing...If anyone out there is reading this, I could really use a few boxes of tissues in the library to help with the sneezes, coughs, and runny noses! Thank you!!!

Borders :: Odd and the Frost Giants


Borders :: Odd and the Frost Giants

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Very Satisfying Day!

Today was one of those days when I didn't have anything scheduled on my agenda.  I was able to stay in the library all day and get things accomplished. Although we worked hard, Mrs. W. and I agreed that we always leave feeling like we didn't accomplish anything.  For everything I check off my list, I think I add three more things! :)
So here is what I did...
Finished checking all the web addresses and passwords for all the programs provided to Sprague's staff and students. I created and sent out a beautiful bookmark listing all the necessary info.  AWESOME!
I sent back three sets of Accounting "workpapers" that we will not be using due to the new textbook adoption.  It took some digging and phone calls to figure out what gets returned where and whether or not we can return it all. I shipped everything to purchasing to work their magic. It will be nice to have that credit because we need to order more textsbooks and items due to the huge increase in our population this year.  525 Freshman...WOW!
I am in the process of collecting all the "JUNK" laying around to send to surplus.  Funny how everyone comes to the library for DVD players, carts with plug-ins, extension cords, power stips, speakers, computer equipment, thousands of types of cables, etc.  They love to take whatever they can get their hands giving little or no thought who it belongs to or whether or not it is locked up for a reason.  Scary the carnage left behind! The workroom has become a drop off for all sorts of interesting things...a huge plotter?, an old copy machine, overhead projectors, TVs, VCRs, fans, etc. So I am going to collect it all and send it to surplus on October 2.  Stay tuned for how that goes!
Funny note:  I sent out a surplus collection notice and recieved an email back asking for a DVD player with a remote!  I really wish I had a magic wand to fulfill everyone's wishes.
The last thing I did today was order new power strips for the AV carts.  I am learning so much about small equipment repair.  Librarians really are Jacks of all Trades!
More book talks tomorrow!

Monday, September 21, 2009


So I left the blog for a couple of days, and I am back again.  I even remembered how to log in!  What an accomplishment. :)
Today I was BUSY!  I gave book talks to Ms. P's classes - 2 sets of juniors and 1 fresman group. I have a couple of classes left to go this week.  I love to talk books. However, it is a challenge to keep reading new books to present.  No matter how many books I read, there are always hundreds more that I haven't!  Sometimes what appeals to me, doesn't appeal to the students. I get frustrated when I book talk a book, and everyone wants to check it out, but I only have a couple of copies! 
I have started a list of books that the students have requested that the library doesn't have.  I wish we had a Barnes & Noble as Borders just doesn't have all that we want!  I also love all the authors that present in the B&N stores.  Scott Westerfeld presents on Oct.10.  I will miss him because I will be at the OASL conference.
What is OASL? Oregon Association of School Libraries.  I am the conference chair for this year's conference in Salem on Oct. 9-10.  The theme is Get Graphic!  I hope to have my manga club students volunteer at the conference in their cosplay outfits.  Awesome!
My next hurdle is to revamp the Sprague Library Website.  I also need to update all of the usernames and passwords so students can access all that is available from home.  Stay tuned to see how that goes!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Here I go...

Ok.  It's about time that I join the blogging rat race.  I am excited, yet already exhausted because I know that I will have to update this page regularly to keep potential readers interested.  I can't imagine anyone has the time or the interest in reading what I have to say, but just in case...
Let's be honest.  I am required as a teacher to create a blog, so this is what you get.  I am easily entertained and effervescent.  I was once called a hyperbole by an 8th grade English class. I write like I talk so bear with me! If you read nothing else, just look at the list of books that I am reading or have read.  This will give you an idea of what to read as you begin your own reading journey.